More Than Pink

Fall Edition


My name is Eileen Schneider and I am a breast cancer survivor.

I was diagnosed in the spring of 2021.  I underwent my surgery and radiation through that spring and summer and am now on medication to hopefully continue to keep me cancer free!  Hearing I had cancer was probably one of the scariest times in my life, all I could think of were my daughters and the unknown that was to follow.  I am one year cancer free, but unfortunately once you are diagnosed "what if it comes back" always sits in the back of your mind.

fMy goal is to give back to an organization called Evolve Pink that not only helped me cope through some tough times, but also brought me laughter and new friendships!  It is filled with some of the most courageous women I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know.

Evolve Pink was founded by my breast surgeon, Dr. Montes, who believes in the power of holistic modalities to help heal the wounds from cancer that are left of the mind, body and spirit. Her mission is to provide support services for cancer survivors and their families during and after their treatments.

My hope is to raise as much money as I can to give back to Evolve Pink and all of the amazing women associated with it!

Thank you so much for any contribution you can make!

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